Talosaga o Laser Marking i Meaʻai Part Part Alamanuia

O meaʻai o meaʻai e masani ona aofia ai ma le ola o le fata, aso gaosi, gaosiga o le numera numera ma siaki le lua-loloto tulafono. These information for food manufacturers, distributors and consumers are very important information, professional coding technology equipment can meet the safety needs of manufacturers and enhance the brand image of manufacturers.
I aso uma o le olaga, tagata faatau, oloa taumafa ma tufatufa o le a latou uaʻi atu i meaʻai igoa. Consumers pay attention to food labeling to ensure that they are exposed to food with quality assurance within the shelf life, food manufacturers and distributors pay attention to food labeling to facilitate product management, good food labeling can also help food manufacturers gain brand trust.
Food packaging can also use information such as laser marking, barcode and destination, helping to establish a database system to track product movements in time. Fesoasoani i oloa oloa ma tufatufaina pulea latou oloa sili atu faasaienisi.
O a ni mea e mafai ona fai e matou masini i le meaai meaai?
O le faʻamaumauga o le lakapi a le CRUK e mafai foi ona faʻaitiitia ai mea e mafai ona faʻaitiitia ma fesoasoani ai i fale gaosi oloa faʻaitiitia ai tau. O le gaosiga atoa gaosiga o le lanumeamata ma le leaga-saoloto, o loo mautinoa ai le soifua maloloina o masini tagata faigaluega.